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About Peanuts


There are several Indian varieties of peanuts; namely Bold, Runner, Java, Spanish, TJ, Java Long, G20, K6, Mathadi, and many more. Peanuts take between 90 and 120 days to grow and the growth depends on the seed type. The major peanut growing Indian states are Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh. Peanut plantation is done twice a year in the months of Jan & June while harvesting takes place in the months of May/June and October/November, respectively.


Peanuts are rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. They are great antioxidants too.

  • Roasted peanuts are high in heart-healthy nutrients.
  • Peanuts are high in protein. About 23% to 29% of their calories come from protein perfect, which is a rich, plant-based protein source for maintaining a healthy diet.
  • Peanuts are naturally Cholesterol Free.
  • Peanuts are low in carbohydrates, about 15% of total weight; thus suitable for diabetics.
  • Biotin, important during pregnancy
  • Niacin (B3), reduces the risk of heart diseases
  • Copper, whose deficiency leads to a bad heart health
  • Folate (B9 – Folic Acid), important during pregnancy and improves hemoglobin
  • Vitamin E, important antioxidant
  • Thiamine (B1), helps convert Carbohydrate into energy, which ultimately helps in enhanced body functioning
  • Phosphorous, helps in growth and maintenance of body tissues

Interesting Facts

  • Peanuts are not nuts, they are actually legume. It belongs to Leguminosae family with chickpeas, peas, lentils and soybeans.
  • An early introduction of peanuts in diet can reduce the likelihood of peanut allergies
  • Peanuts butter is the only recipe where peanut is 90% of its recipe
  • Peanut shells has an excellent use, in fireplace, White Bio Coal, eco friendly packing material, compost and kettle food.
  • The peanut growth cycle from planting to harvest is about three to four months.
  • The peanut plant produces a small yellow flower above ground and then migrate underground to reach maturity.
  • A mature peanut plant produces about 40 pods
  • India & China together produce almost 2/3rds of the world crop
  • The largest producer of peanuts in the world was India, but China overtook Indian production in late 90’s, currently China produced almost 1/3rd of the world crop, and India almost 1/4%, with the U.S. in 3rd place with almost 1/10th
  • 2/3rd of the peanut crop is processed for peanut oil.
  • Peanut oil accounts for 8% of the worlds edible oil production
  • 20% of the world's peanut production is used by chocolate manufacturer.
  • Candy manufacturers use 20% of the world’s peanuts

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